It’s what we do. For vehicle repair beyond our ability, we search out a mechanic who is knowledgeable, honest, reliable. Similarly, for home plumbing repairs, we want trained and bonded plumbers. For any surgery we might need, we ask around to find the best surgeon to do the job. For our soul needs, we go to the eternal life specialist, of whom there is only One. He is the triune God, our Savior and Lord. We don’t technically ‘go’ to Him as He has already come to us, loving us. He is always inviting us, always seeking our hearts, always open-hearted, always open-armed before us.

As His Pentecosted people, we’ve been made the inheritors of His Spirit who dwells mysteriously ‘in’ us. He is with us. He is for us. Always. No exceptions, no glitches, no downtimes, no power outages, 24/7/365, full stop. It’s a dizzying thought but picture it if you can! The Third Person of the Trinity, in residence – in each of us! 

Here’s an excerpt from a note from Brian Morykon, in Renovaré Weekly, July 19, 2024:

“Abide in me as I abide in you,” Jesus says in John 15:4. This provokes the question, How do we abide with someone who already abides in us? This Spirit of Jesus lives in those who trust Jesus. Isn’t it, in a sense, impossible not to abide in him? Yet we know on a human level what it is to be with someone without being with them, to be there and not there, to be present and not present. One definition of abide is ‘to continue to be present.’ In other words, abiding is about awareness and attentiveness. It is a heart awake. 

Since Pentecost, we get to live with hearts awake! Awake to the Spirit and his voice, his promptings, his guidance, his teaching, his corrections. We get to begin each day training our hearts to be aware and attentive. We get to go through each day continuing to be present. We get to complete each day with gratitude for his showerings of love on us. Can we say, WOW!?  PD

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