The following prayer, commonly attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi, was most likely a prayer from the early 20th Century, by Father Bouquerel, and published in the French Catholic magazine, La Clochette. It’s updated here, this time by yours truly, as a prayer leading up to what has now become an election of international concern. My encouragement is that we would each make this our daily prayer.  PD

Prayer for Peace

Jesus, would you use me as your peacemaking tool:

Where I hear rancor and bitterness and hateful language, could I offer Shalom;

Where I recognize generations of woundings and grudges and stiff-necked behavior,

help me to offer resolution in the form of forgiveness.

Where I see belief gone cold, could I offer up my own faith as a viable option;

Where lights have been dimmed or have been put out completely,

could I point to the Story’s Ending;

Where I see the blank-faced expressions silently screaming of depression,

could I offer to strike a match again to the candle of JOY;

Oh! Ancient of Days, form me such that I don’t so much look;

To be comforted, but that I might be the one who offers comfort,

To have my thoughts and ideas accepted, but that I might be the one who lends a listening ear,

To feel belonging and loving, but that I might open the door with my own love and generosity.

I know that as I offer even a little, I receive back so much from You.

As I stretch to forgive others, I receive back the forgiveness I desperately need.

I know, too, in the giving of myself, that I more fully experience the Risen Life.


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