December 6, 2020

The Risk of Mary

Passage: Luke 1: 26-56
Service Type:

The Risk of Mary, sermon by Don Freeman
There were so many reasons to say, ‘No.’ So many, ‘What ifs?’ ‘What will my family, friends, fellow villagers, even strangers, think?’ ‘What about Joseph’s reaction?’ Many would have begun the round of questioning with, ‘Why me, of all people?’ While Mary probably wouldn’t have considered herself a risk-taker, something about the intimacy of her relationship with God, her leaning in to his love, to his leading, created in her a posture of heart that made submission to any and all plans of her good God seem both wildly uncertain and supremely safe. Mary’s vibrant faith, in the face of the angel’s startling pronouncement, freed her to speak those fateful words, “Be it unto me . . .”

Luke 1: 26-56

A. _______________________________

1. v. 29 – troubled

2. v.34 – How will this be?

3. v. 38 – I _____ the Lord’s servant.
___________________________________________as you have said.

B. _______________________________

1. v. 39 – a hurried visit

2. vv. 40-45 – Elizabeth’s ______________________

C. ______________________________

1. vv. 46-56 – Mary’s ________________________ song

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