The One Main Thing
Jesus’ offering of his body to suffering, death and burial, caused mistaken, short-lived, celebration in Hell and permanent, full-on angelic rejoicing in the courts of Heaven. The gates, which had remained locked and guarded by winged cherubim and a swinging sword of flames since Adam’s fall, were swung wide open. The Holy of Holies was made accessible. Sin’s imprisoning grip was obliterated. Forgiveness flowed. Redemption blossomed. The Light that Jesus is, suffused all mankind. Divine Love conquered once for all.
1 John 1:1-10
1. vv. 1-4 – the _________________________________Light
2. vv. 5-7 – the _________________________________Light
3. vv. 8-10 – the ________________________________Light
burial, celebration, death, divine love, gates, Heaven, Holy of Holies, light, Redemption, sin, suffering