As Jesus’ disciples, the salt and light of the world, Ambassadors of Reconciliation, nothing has changed since a recent event in Washington DC. What Jesus called us to is the same today as before Monday. Nothing has changed in his love for us or in our salvation responsibilities to him, but our flesh is challenged – challenged whether we are repulsed or rejoicing. The whole world is seething with pushback and feedback. We, however, while still in the world are no longer of the world. What does this mean?

It means we live and act like the Kingdom citizens we are. We share always and magnanimously the Shalom Jesus bequeathed to us. We stay clear of the entrapment of foolish arguments and infantile name-calling (think social media platforms which are a hotbed for the above). We pray for those in authority over us because ‘there can be no authority in the universe except by God’s appointment, which means that every authority that exists has been instituted by God.’ Romans 13:1, TPT. Jesus had ‘gone off preachin’ and gone to meddlin’ as the saying goes, when he said, ‘I say to you, love your enemy, bless the one who curses you, do something wonderful for the one that hates you, and respond to the very ones that persecute you by praying for them. For that will reveal your identity as children of your Heavenly Father.’ Matthew 5:44-45a, TPT.

I hear you thinking, ‘Ours is one gnarly anointing!’ Yep, I’m with you. And it’s not just rough but a completely impossible task without grace and the work of the Holy Spirit in us. Something else that helps make this more doable is being in a prayerful community with like-minded believers, others who also struggle to keep a rein on their tongues, others committed to being found faithful after the storm, all the while admitting the rigors of this faith-stretching exercise.

There’s a quote worth citing here: ‘To win without risk is to triumph without glory.’ Pierre Corneille. I think Jesus knows our character, how competition is built in. Our emphasis seen in so many arenas makes this clear. We exercise. We train. We push. We strain. We study and earn diplomas. All for the prize. King David called the Lord his inheritance, his prize, his pleasure, and his portion. Psalm 16:5 TPT. That’s good enough for me. I’ll keep straining for that ‘prize’ through the months of 2025. You?  PD                      

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