No actual words spoken by Saul the Pharisee are written down. However, as a crème de la

crème Pharisee, all that was spoken by his elite religious cronies could well have been his own

words. Certainly, their attitude of shock and disdain at all that was seen and heard about Jesus

was a direct match of his own. Following are several verses containing words, attitudes and

behaviors which most certainly are in direct line with his:

“The Pharisees said to Jesus, ‘Why are you allowing your disciples to harvest grain on the

Sabbath day? Don’t you know it’s not permissible according to the law?’” Lk.6:2.

‘The room erupted with bitter rage because of this Sabbath-day healing. And from that moment

on, the religious leaders plotted among themselves about how they might harm Jesus.’ Lk. 6:4.

Jesus, to a Pharisee while seated at his dinner table: ‘You Pharisees are hopeless frauds! For:

you are obsessed with peripheral issues . . . yet . . . you unjustly cheat others. . .’ ‘you love to be

honored before men with your titles of respect, seeking public recognition as you aspire to

become important among others.’ ‘Your true character is hidden, like an unmarked grave that

hides the corruption inside, defiling all who come in contact with you.’ ‘You crush people

beneath the burden of obeying impossible religious regulations, yet you would never even think

of doing them yourselves.’ ‘You take away from others the key that opens the door to the house

of knowledge. Not only do you lock the door and refuse to enter, you do your best to keep others

from the truth.’ from Lk. 11:37-52.

Several years following the death and Resurrection of Jesus, Saul, the Pharisee, is still breathing

death threats to the church of Jesus. He has an unexpected, life-altering encounter with the

risen Jesus. Following is one post-encounter testimony by Paul (now the Apostle):

‘I was . . . raised in the strict tradition of Orthodox Judaism, living a separated and devout life as

a Pharisee. And concerning the righteousness of the Torah, no one surpassed me; I was without

a peer. Furthermore, as a fiery defender of the truth, I persecuted the messianic believers with

religious zeal. Yet all of the accomplishments that I once took credit for, I’ve now forsaken them,

and I regard it all as nothing compared to the delight of experiencing Jesus Christ as my Lord! To

truly know him meant letting go of everything from my past and throwing all my boasting on

the garbage heap. It’s all like a pile of manure to me now, so that I may be enriched in the

reality of knowing Jesus Christ and embrace him as Lord in all of his greatness.’ from Phil. 3:5-8.

Paul’s before and after is nothing short of a marvel! Clearly a 180 o turn around. One can only

imagine the unlearning, the tearing down of old structures, and the loving, faithful re-

structuring of a new heart. It’s the one we hear throughout all his letter-writing. Eager to share

with y’all more of Paul’s ‘heart of flesh’ tomorrow, 10 AM, 3 PM UK, 4 PM FR. PD

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