We, Jesus’ loved ones
Salvation’s provisions have been completed. Jesus’ glory has been revealed. Instructions for life and ministry have been lined out. Holy Spirit teaching and encouragement and correction are ongoing. Promises of victory have been repeated. The otherworldly reality of being in the world while not being of it has been sealed in High Priestly prayer. Per King David, we are to: persevere, be patient, be entwined as one with the Lord, be brave and courageous, never lose hope, keep on waiting* (Ps. 27).
John 15:1-17
1. vv. 1-4 – ______________________________________________________to Jesus
2. vv. 5-11 –________________________________________________in Jesus’ love
3. vv. 12-17 – _____________________________________________________to love
*Forerunner exhortations of: A long obedience in the same direction.