October 20, 2024

Joy Unspeakable

Passage: Romans 8:14-25
Service Type:

(and full of Glory)


Paul may have been the first Jesus follower to be tutored one-on-one by God. Imagine all he received in that intense period of extreme makeover! All props of the Law were dismantled and replaced by scandalous, unmerited grace. Paul’s life as a Pharisee was the perfect reference for what Jesus was referring to when he said, ‘You (the people) have heard it said, but I say to you . . . ’ Upon Paul’s completion of ‘Following Jesus 101,’ he was fired up to bring his astonishing, liberating training to everybody, everywhere. He spent the rest of his life giving himself away, doing just that. And finding unspeakable joy.

Romans 8:14-25
1. vv. 14-16 –full _______________________________________________ coming

2. vv. 17-21 – full _______________________________________________ coming

3. vv. 22-24a – full ______________________________________________ coming

4. vv. 24b,25 – full _______________________________________________coming

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