JESUS -The All in All
After Jesus’ poorer than poor birth, his parents dutifully carried out all that was required of them according to Jewish law, rich and poor alike. He and his parents were but one family among the nameless, unremarkable ones coming to the temple every day. And so was unveiled the next phase of God’s Plan ‘A’. Quietly, scarcely a blip on the culture’s radar screen, the long-awaited Messiah had ‘moved into the neighborhood.’ One writer has suggested that Jesus was remarkably unremarkable. Isaiah agrees: ‘He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.’ Another, ‘deity dwindled to infancy.’ One hymnwriter expressed it like this: ‘God moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform.’
Luke 2:21-38
- 21-24 – Jesus (God Incarnate) ____________________________________
- 25 -27 -Jesus (God Holy Spirit) _____________________________________
- 28-33a – Jesus (Very God)__________________________________________
- 33b-35 – Jesus (Mary’s infant son) __________________________________
- 36-38 – Jesus (Messiah)____________________________________________