JESUS – Exorbitant, uncontainable, ebullient JOY
After four centuries of heaven’s silence and Israel’s longing and waiting for the Messiah, there is an answer, a stirring in the courts of God the Father. But this answer was nothing like the prayers that had been prayed during that time. The timing, the place, the people involved, all failed to match expectations, to be acceptable. To the religious rulers, all aspects of God’s answer were a scandalous affront. But to those called to serve in this new, divine drama, the answer was life transforming, birthing fresh hope, a deep peace, and beyond all, a joy they’d not known existed.
Luke 1:39-45, 1:46-55, 1:57-79
- 39-45 – Joy ____________________________________ Elizabeth
- 46-55 – Joy_______________________________________, Mary
- 57-79 – Joy___________________________________ Zechariah