How can Creator God get back in contact with his children?
Question for discussion: The people that God lovingly created, how does He redirect the motives, the aspirations, the lifestyle of His children to extend His Kingdom?
Put yourself in God’s shoes, whose desire is for relationship, who has lost it with His people. How does He regain it?
John 15:26-27
God gives us an advocate. Holy Spirit on the inside.
John 14
Counselor – Holy Spirit. Ultimate therapist
Romans 8
God gives us choice. He gives us an appetite for Him.
Ephesians 1:2
He gives us a powerpack – resurrection powerpack
Romans 8:12-16
Inner conviction – we cry Abba Father, as a child calling for his parent
The Holy Spirit as a thirst quencher
John 7
What does it mean to be Glorified? Why did Jesus have to die in order to be glorified and for the Spirit to be given?
The answer: God redirects our focus with the Holy Spirit.
Additional thoughts:
How can I cultivate a love language that involves my every moment every day?
How can I make him welcome/comfortable in my home?