A Life of Total Thanksgiving
The Apostle Paul, on his famous trek to raid the church in Damascus, was knocked off his feet, not unlike a rambunctious puppy attempting to out-strain his leash. He reached the limit of his Pharisaical ‘freedoms’ and found Jesus waiting for him there. Paul was about to undergo an extreme makeover which would include a radical renouncing of his legalistic beliefs and a humbling acceptance of the grace-filled message of the Father’s love and offer of forgiveness in the much-prophesied Messiah, this Jesus of Nazareth.
Romans 8:26-39, Philippians 3:12-16, Acts 20:24, 2 Timothy 4:7,8
- Romans 8:26-39 – Thanksgiving for _____________________________________
- Philippians 3:12-16, Acs 20:24 – Thanksgiving for _______________________
- 2 Timothy 4:7,8– Thanksgiving for ____________________________________
apostle, church, Father's love, forgiveness, grace, Jesus, legalistic beliefs, Messiah, Paul, Thanksgiving