A Kingdom Intensive

April 14, 2024
Jesus was the instructor, and the disciples were his open-air, traveling classroom of twelve. The constant crowds clamored for spectacle while each display was intended to show his students further…
Jesus came embodying the Kingdom of God. All he did was à la Kingdom. Undoubtedly, it was also à la Galilee, the rural region where he had been raised. Once…
Three and a half years. One mission. No Plan ‘B.’ Mission now complete. Sin and death forever vanquished. Guilt and shame washed away, things of the past. Abundant life, the…
The most intense week in the life of Jesus is kick-started by an intense worship celebration as he makes his way into Jerusalem. There is also intense criticism and intense…

God’s Love

March 3, 2024
Bryon Anderson shares a personal testament about his journey through life learning about God's love, sharing stories about various ways God showed up for him and for his wife Joan.
For the law-keeping Jew, God was the fearsome, mountain-shaking Yahweh of history. To the wayward Jew, He was the all-patient One. To the forsaken Jew, God was the friend that…
With the terrifyingly majestic encounter with Divine Glory still thundering in our ears from the base of Mount Sinai, we now race ahead four Centuries to ca. 1000 BC, to…
The dizzying reality that we are now people of the Kingdom, joint heirs with Christ of the beauty and the bounty of God, continues to be a mystery we are…