Gold Medal Hope

October 15, 2023
The beaming smile of gold-medal-winning Olympians on the podium is not the picture image immediately following the win. At that moment, they are physically spent, sweating, heart pounding, muscles all…

The Light Now Ours

September 3, 2023
When God’s Majesty is seen accommodating the relative inferiority of mankind, it staggers the (human) imagination. Pondering the ever-expanding universe alongside the miniscule planet on which we live is equally…

By Intention Only

August 27, 2023
We have become the righteousness of God in Christ. He declares us flawless in his eyes. He, right now, sees us as His completed masterworks – His Magnum Opus. We…
A Pentecost People What we call waiting for God, God calls maturing His children. What we call late or 11th hour answers to prayer, God calls perfect timing. So, the…

After the Finale

May 28, 2023
For Jesus’ disciples, the Pentecost event initiated in them, gave birth through them, Jesus’ Church. For us, Pentecost shapes, gives current expression to, the Church into which we were born.…

An Embarrassment of Riches

November 20, 2022
We live in the ‘time between the times,’ the Now and the Not Yet,’ the ‘here and the still arriving;’ all these descriptions of our day swirling with mystery and…

The Spirit’s Impact

November 13, 2022
In the weeks and months following Pentecost there was, in the hearts of the disciples, a hyper-tangible sense of the realness, the immediacy, of the inside-of-them, superpower in the person…

Dimensions of Glory

October 30, 2022
Jesus’ miracles kept the disciples’ heads spinning: water, now wine, the blind, now seeing, Peter’s mother-in-law, bed-ridden, now preparing a meal for everyone, life-threatening swells, now a placid lake, an…