Jesus In Public

November 14, 2021
The Good News is that Jesus made membership in His Resurrection Life freely possible for us. The really good news is that we get to live that life out loud…

Still, we are learning

September 12, 2021
Our invitation to in-Christ, eternal living, lands at our feet when we are still sin-wrecked, stubbornly willful, egocentric; in short, Biblically speaking, lost, like errant sheep. The good news within…
The Resurrection Scheme of Things As the Holy Spirit continued wooing souls, sweeping them into the newborn Church of Jesus, the persecution, from both Jewish leaders and Roman authorities, continued…
Adam’s sin unleashed a perpetual avalanche of brokenness upon mankind. All peoples, languages and nations continue to ‘groan until the sons of God are revealed.’ Lying and blame-shifting are rampant…