The WORD Now, as Then
October 23, 2022

The WORD Now, as Then

Passage: Matthew 23: 37-Matthew 14:14
Service Type:

We are those who live in this world but who have citizenship in another. We are aliens, a people of another realm, another authority, another power. Our life in Christ positions us in the fullest security, the most lasting belonging, the greatest of all loves, the strongest of strong towers. We are divinely equipped for every battle, every ambush, every deception. We are Holy Spirit-indwelt.  We are blessed to have always-accumulating world-weariness perpetually washed off of us by the Word, the richly abiding, Living Word of our Eternal, Creator God, the Word which will never be bound by chains, never be too short to save, never fail to deliver. As people of this Word our confidence is sure.

Matthew 23: 37 - 14:14

   Matt. 23:37-14:2 - Destruction _______________________________________

   Matt. 14:3-8 – One age ending, _____________________________________

   Matt. 14:9-13 – Desperate times, ____________________________________

   Matt. 14:14 – Calamity, chaos & hatred, ______________________________

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