God’s Plan ‘A’ (there is no Plan ‘B’) includes His Church being the Dwelling Place of His Spirit, to enable her to be a clear expression of His heart in…
Sublime, supreme symmetry. Perfectly prompt plans, promises and prophecies. Lavish, laudable, longsuffering love. Faithful, fulfilling, forgiving, fierce, fawning Father. This is God. We are the fallen, the antithesis. Each of…

God’s Kingdom, Ours!

May 29, 2022
The impact of bad news is intensified the closer it gets to us. Breaking news in another country wields limited power. That same news in our country packs a larger…

The Way of Things

May 15, 2022
We continue to imagine all that was ‘mission critical’ that Jesus needed to be sure the disciples ‘got’ during those fleeting, precious, forty days after the Resurrection. Maybe most of…

The Good Work

April 24, 2022
Instantly, as Jesus opted to draw in his final breath, entirely new, spiritual lives were set in motion, stirring, stretching, waking from their imprisonment of sin and darkness. A Seed…
Since its invasion of Eden’s tranquility, sin has been pandemic among God’s sons and daughters. The tragic expulsion from the Garden, the separations, the warnings, the reminders of God’s holiness…

A Week of Extremes

April 10, 2022
Like the week of final exams for university seniors, this coming week called Holy Week was, for Jesus, one of extremes, one of intensity. The time was rapidly approaching for…
From start to finish, the Good News has baffled the wisdom of the world (and not a few Christians!). Presented to us as one thing, with one faith, one Lord,…
Creation was intense. The fall of mankind was intense. Holiness interacting with mankind has always been intense. Jesus being sent, being born, being human, being crucified, rising again: all that…